
"Global Inventory of Commercial Spyware & Digital Forensics" Visualization

The following visualizations are based on an ongoing meta study by Steven Feldstein and Brian Kot regarding the global governmental misuse of spyware.

"The dataset provides a global inventory of commercial spyware & digital forensics technology procured by governments. It focuses on three overarching questions: Which governments show evidence of procuring and using commercial spyware? Which private sector companies are involved and what are their countries of origin? What activities have governments used the technology for?"

The following map shows countries where commercial spyware originates from in black and the countries where the spyware has been used in red.


Country of origin
Country of use

Disclaimer: The visualization is based on the data given in the source linked above and was not validated independently. This site is simply a visual representation of the research results. Additionally there might be bugs in the extraction/transformation/visualization code. All of the code is open source and linked in the page header. Issues can be fixed via pull requests to the repository.

Country of origin